
Showing posts from 2018

Developing TEDx website for our campus IITG

Creating a new website for our Event of TEDx at IIT Guwahati Github   Link microsoft Achieved something


Created new thunder quake App

Created new thunderQuake App that alerts you with the earthquake happening everywhere in recent hours you can list the numbers by using an API provided by usgc I was able to show the map and richter scale and how many people felt that in a real time scale along with their recent scale location and what's the actual that of that place which has suffered with earthquake or simply we can call it as earthquake tracking app Click here to download

Created my new chatbot "SHUBHAM BOT" + face detection android app

Click here to download  created new Android app that's bath and face recognition best Android application currently working on face but the Shubham bot is almost ready and needs training a bit

Created my own whatsapp +fb messenger "shubham messenger".

To Download: Click here  About: this is an simple chat messenger app created by me for just and local friends group and completely based on firebase and 🔥  fire store 🔥  database managing system  We know that in fb we can search anyone with name and in whatsapp we can talk to anyone but with whom whose phone number we have but what if we can search like fb and contact like whatsapp.  There's come my app  Shubham Messenger  Go to menu section for find friends and search Send friend request  Sign Up:Enter your Name ,email,  pass Login:Enter your email and pass Request tab click over to accept or decline

Created new startup app SerVaLL(serve all)

Click here to download   Create a new app name serve all as we all know that in our campus there are many people and many hostels which had some requirements in any of the events or any day to day life so like hammer nut bolts wire or any simplest things by using this Buy using this app one can rent or buy hair anything for specific hours and second option is the learn basis one can even learn something and contacting the people provider in the list Click here to download Created new app named SerVaLL can be pronounced serve all this is the app for buying and renting and to learn anything in Guwahati campus if anyone needs anything they can buy if anyone wants to rent anything he can a simple app demonstrating that

Created new app IITG dashboard

Created new IITG dashboard app in one day 24 hours coding hackathon done and organised by iitg team this was a small demonstration login signup database management in real time and showing user profile which all thing can be managed by admin with IIT Guwahati map simple calendar and about section of IIT Guwahati due to less time I was unable to add more features but it will be added in a short term App Download  Link Click Here

